
My Faja

Quick shout out to my papa di... I have been really lucky to be living close to my
dad the last couple of years. I love building a relationship with him since I have been an adult 
and have been able to appreciate him... what a great guy!
It would take me DAYS to list ALL of the wonderful things about him... but here are a few:

1. He is always right there at the right time with the perfect munchie... just when I need it...
2. He is the HARDEST worker that I know... bustin his butt to make things happen
3. He always LOVES family time and will fly everyone to be together 
4. He will always find something to celebrate!
5. He is willing to share his thoughts and feelings, and always trys to understand (thats big for a guy)
6. He is SUPER supportive and will do anything to help support our decisions

He is a wonderful man, a GREAT father and an AMAZING friend!!
Happy Father's Dad Pops!! LOVE YOU!

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