
Crafty McCrafterson...

I dont know if it's Utah or what... but being here has just made me want to craft it up 24/7... Everything I see, I'm thinking how I can craft it up... now I have been waiting for like a YEAR to have my  own home again so that I can decorate... and I'm SOOO excited that I got my tax return and spent it promptly on decorating!! Here are a few of the projects that I have been working on...

I recovered this bulletin board so it will match my colors...

I've been on a pillow kick... these pillows are for my couch, stay tuned for the finished product...

I recovered these pillows for my bed... that fabric is actually a shower curtain!

Not done yet, but dining room table center piece, I still need to get some ribbon to go around but I like the colors... MOM I NEED MY BLUE POT BACK to complete the set!

I was so happy that my cousin Bria invited me over to scrapbook this weekend... I didn't get much done, its impossible for me to have idea's without my mom around... but it was fun!

Stay tuned... I have like 5 more projects in the works!! Martha Stewart better watch out!

1 comment:

  1. You are such a crafter! Love it! What rug is that under the pillows? cute stuff

