Wow! What a week I have had! It was not only the most awful, stressful, disgusting week of my entire professional life, but also one of the most fun, spontaneous, crazy busy weeks I have had in a super long time...
Monday was the first day of Fall semester at the University that I work as an Academic Adviser. If I haven't told you about what an amazing job that I have then be grateful, because I would be lying to you.... I work for an online for profit University, which means that our students are people who frequent as guests on Jerry Springer and Judge Judy (to put it nicely). They are not very nice people. The beginning of a semester is always very busy doing students schedules and books and transcripts and changing majors... blah blah blah... Monday morning started a 7 am with all 10,000 of our students calling at the same time. Apparently the class room web site was down. So fun. I have never had so many people screaming profanities at me in one day, and I use to work in juvenile hall so...
Monday was just setting the stage for an awful work week. Its really tough to help students that treat you like you owe them something and are always blaming someone else for their problems, like failing all of their classes... yes that is my fault that you were kicked out of school for having a zero GPA 3 semesters in a row... cool.
On a better note, life after work was super fun! Tuesday I was able to go to the Mesa temple with my friend Holly. I love ending a long draining day at the temple. So blessed to have it so close and a new temple opening up even closer next year!
Wednesday Chris, Melissa, Christie and I went to a concert!! Yippee!! Complements of Lisa, we had tickets to Brad Paisley with The Band Perry and Scotty McCreary. Oh how I love country music! Besides the AWFUL concert traffic and the contact high from all the pot smokers around up, it was so fun! Brad Paisley is so great and his music is amazing! The Band Perry is my fave and they were awesome live.I decided that I need to go to concerts more often.

Thursday we got to deliver a special early birthday package to my mom...
We all know that Kailey is mom's fave, so it was the best present ever! So fun to have Kailey here for the weekend... she is amazeballs!
Then on Friday, I had to jet off to Vegas for a 16 hour trip. Dad got us super amazing seats to a pre-season Lakers vs. Kings game (ummm 6 rows off the floor next to the Lakers bench thank you). Things turned out that I was the only one able to go, so I met dad for a quick night at the AWESOME game! The Lakers (aka Kobe) have been a fave of mine for a long long time, so seeing them SO close and personal was great!
Dad was super excited to see Jimmer and Isaiah Thomas on the Kings too... I was enamored by how tall and talented these guys are in person. I hadn't been to an NBA game for so long, so it was definitely worth the trip.
I got back Saturday evening, just in time for a girls night with my sisties! I am so lucky to be so close with all of my siblings. I miss baby brother all the time, but hanging out with my 3 sisters is so fun! I am not sure why we didn't take any pictures but good thing cause I was looking hagrid after the long week!
Sunday was momma's birthday! We had a great dinner of Chicken Parmesan and pumpkin pie at our house.
Fun week, I am dreading Monday coming... but there are fun things to look forward to!
1. Taylor Swift's new album tomorrow!
2. Buying a new car next weekend!
3. Halloween parties
4. Best Friend Coming to visit!